Wednesday 25 May 2016

Top 10 countries with the fastest internet.

Internet is something that we all love. But when the speed is slow, it really sucks. But there are some countries that don't suffer from such kind of problem. Here are the list of countries that have the fastest Internet speed in the world (latest 2016). So basically they are not countries they are heaven.

NUMBER 10. Denmark

With an average of 16.1 Mb/s, Denmark surely may a way to this list. Denmark started increasing their Internet speeds in 2002 and till now has made a lot progress.

NUMBER 9. Finland

Finland has an average of 16.6 Mb/s. Finland is always trying to make consistent development in their Internet range and speed. And they are doing their work quite well.

NUMBER 8. Latvia

Average speed 16.7 Mb/s, slightly more than Finland. Latvia is a silent killer. Without being involved in the competition, they won the competition. So Latvia’s progress should be used as a motivation for us.

NUMBER 7. Switzerland

It has an average speed of 16.75 Mb/s. Switzerland is land of busy people they are in rush and also have to manage the tourism. For this they improved their Internet speed and connectivity, and is also proved really helpful there.

NUMBER 6. Hong Kong

It has an average speed of 16.8 Mb/s. This speed is also very essential to maintain the busy lifestyle and business of Hong Kong. So this speed is a necessity.

NUMBER 5. Netherlands

It has an average speed of 17 Mb/s. Netherlands have the fastest Internet in Europe and also comes in the 5Th place in the world ranking. Also this Internet also done many bad things in the Netherlands like increased the number of child pornography.

NUMBER 4. Japan

Japan has an average speed of 17.4 Mb/s. As we know Japan is land for technological developments, they have also done a great work in Internet development also.

NUMBER 3. Norway

Norway average speed is 18.8 Mb/s. Norway was the first non-English speaking country to establish Internet connectivity. Since 1971 to till now, Norway has done a huge progress in their Internet speed.

NUMBER 2. Sweden

Sweden has an average speed of 19.1 Mb/s. Sweden ranks fourth in the world with respect to Internet connectivity. 94% of the people in Sweden use Internet. No wonder why the demand for fast Internet is so high in Sweden.

NUMBER 1. South Korea

South is the world leader in Internet connectivity and have the fastest average Internet connection speed. It has an average speed of 26.7 Mb/s! It has very basic reason for this speed and that is gaming. Yes, gaming. So South Korea is the heaven for the gamers. Load of downloading; and no interruption in multi-player.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Top 10 more life hacks to save money.

In my previous blog, I mentioned about 10 life hacks to save money and you guys loved it a lot. So in this post we will see 10 more life hacks to save money. I hope this post will also help you a lot in your daily life.

   vNUMBER 1. Carpool to work with a friend.

This is both money saving and environment friendly. Carpooling saves a lot of money in gas and it is also fun to travel with friends. In fact, you will be amazed to see the results. Carpooling almost saves almost 260 gallons of gas that is about $858 a year. Try this method and enjoy the results.

v NUMBER 2. Ask for upgrades—but don’t book them.

Never book luxury car or premium hotels ahead of time, unless you definitely need it. Instead, reserve a standard car or a room them politely ask for an upgrade, when you arrive. If they have one available, then you can get it for lot cheaper or sometime when the upgrade is not very costly, you can get one free upgrade. I love this trick.

 vNUMBER 3. Carry less money.

It is scientifically proved that if you carry less, you will spend less. Don’t believe me, try to do an experiment- Spend three days of a week with $600 to $1000 dollars in pocket and spend other three days having only $100 in pocket. On the seventh day compare the results of these set of days. Carrying less money can save you thousands in a year. This is an easy trick, try it.

 vNUMBER 4. Switch to LEDS and close lights when not in use.

The most ancient and effective way to save money is to turn to the energy-efficient equipments. LEDS initially cost you high but this will be regained when you see your month’s electricity bill. Use of LEDS can cut your electricity bill by 30%. The second way to save money is to turn off the lights and other electric equipments when they are not in use. Using both the methods combined one can save up to 50% in their electricity bill.

 vNUMBER 5. Learn to say “NO”

I am telling, this one is really effective. Saying yourself no regularly is the best way to save money. While in the market and seeing your favourite chocolate can really lose your wallet weight. To overcome these situations try to say no every time you see something you like. You will be saving hundreds if you use this method.

   vNUMBER 6. Put a 1 litre bottle in the flush tank to save 350 gallons.

I am not joking. Just fill a bottle of volume 1 litre and that bottle inside your flush tank. From now you will be using 50% less water in flushing that is about 350 gallons a year. You will see a drastic change in the   water bill from next month.

  vNUMBER 7. Start saving in a piggy bank.

This sound childish but this really works. Saving your change really add up and give up lots of money. It is seen that if one have change in their pocket they are likely to spend it fast. But if you don’t have change in pocket then you will think before spending. So saving your change in piggy bank is a good deal.

vNUMBER 8. Eat few vegetarian meals in a week and minimise going to restaurants.

Chicken and beef are expensive to buy. Vegetarian meals are also delicious. Try few in a week and save few bucks for buying something else. Also minimise going to those expensive and overpriced restaurants. Try cooking with friend, it is fun and money saving.

 vNUMBER 9. Buy designer clothes on eBay.

If you love designer clothes but still want to save money. Try searching your clothes on There are tons of auctions going on the site. You can find best deals on your clothes.

 vNUMBER 10. Do it the Indian way.

Indians are the king of “jugaad”, i.e. life hacks. This method is simple just you’re your household things as your equipments and materials and build something that will help you in your daily life. If you think this one is difficult then try it you will find that it is really fun and also helpful.

To check my previous blog click this linkTop 10 life hacks to save money.

Like my page on FacebookMr. Blogger

Friday 20 May 2016

Top 10 strange but interesting buildings in the world.

No one can deny the fact that human architecture is awesome. There are some architects who have the capability to turn the strangest of ideas into reality. In this list we will see some of the masterpieces of architecture that will make you go WOW!

NUMBER 1. Stone House, Portugal

Have you seen the cartoon series, Flintstones? If not, go check on Google images for their house appearance. After that see this house and compare the resemblance. Its local name is Casa do Penedo, meaning The House of Rock. Constructed between two rocks and having four rocks as its foundation, Stone House is a great tourist attraction. Its construction started in 1972 and ended in 1974. But this masterpiece worth the time consumed. It is a great place to have a bit stone age experience!!
NUMBER 2. The Dynamic Tower, Dubai, UAE

What will you do, if the building in which you are sitting starts moving. Then you are in the dynamic tower. Designed by David Fisher; each floor of this 80-floor building rotate by 6 meters every minute. It takes a total of 90 minutes to rotate 360 degree. If you are in this tower then every morning you will a different sunrise. Along with this building have 79 wind turbines to generate power for this building.

NUMBER 3. The Crooked House, Poland

What about a house that has no straight lines and looks like it is molting! That’s exactly what crooked house is. It is designed by SzotyÅ„scy and Zaleski who was inspired by fairy tales illustrations and drawings of Jan Marcin Szancer and Per Dahlberg to create this masterpiece. It is a part of Rezydent shopping centre in Sopot, Poland. This building is a famous tourist attraction in Poland. It has became the most photographed building in Poland due to its unique impression.

NUMBER 4. Wonderworks, TN, USA

What about a building that is upside down. Wonderworks is such a building. It was built to give an impression that someone picked it up and again placed it upside down. It is basically an entertainment centre and museum whose slogan is “Let Your Imagination Run Wild” and with their architectural ideas they are also proving their slogan right.

 NUMBER 5. Habitat 67, Montreal, Canada

There are only two words for this building that is unique and awesome. It resembles to a unique arrangement of cubes that children play with. When you will see this building you will get amazed to know that it is perfectly safe and stable. Architect Moshe Safdie created it as the main attraction for the Expo 67.

NUMBER 6. Cubic Houses, Rotterdam, Netherlands

This is the most famous building in the list. It was designed by Piet Blom. He tilted the cubes of the houses at 45 degree and placed them upon a hexagonal-shaped pylop. Each house in his creation represents a tree and all houses altogether, a forest.
NUMBER 7. The Basket Building, Ohio, USA

Isn’t it will be cool that each and every thing of us represents our passion, our work? That is what the Longaberger Company did. Longaberger Company is an American distributor and manufacturer of handcrafted maple wood basket and other lifestyle products. In respect of their work, they themselves designed the interior and exterior of their headquarter that look like a basket. Now their headquarter has became a great tourist attraction.
NUMBER 8. The Piano House, Anhui, China

For this building we can say creativity at its peak, for sure. It was built in 2007 to display the plans for the future development of that area. This building has a companion violin made up of glass. The locals of the area dubbed this place as “the most romantic building in China”.
NUMBER 9. Kansas City Public Library, Missouri, United States

This is an innovative idea. Its purpose is to motivate the people to use more and more public libraries. Even this building is built with the help of people. The people of Kansas City were asked to pick books that describe this city. Those book titles were added to this design. It was designed by Brian M. Finn.
NUMBER 10. Lotus Temple, Delhi, India

You can guess the shape of this magnificent building by its name. It is beautifully designed in the shape of a lotus. This temple has won numerous awards for architecture. This temple is composed of 27-free standing marble-clad “petals” arranged in cluster of three to form nine sides. A 2001 CNN report referred to it as the most visited building in the world.

Name your favourite building in the comment section below….

Like my page on FacebookMr. Blogger

Friday 13 May 2016

Top 10 Most Amazing Animals in the World.

Animal world is more interesting than you can imagine. They are not just animals; they are the gift of nature that has gone under so much of evolution which has made them so precise in what they do. Here are the 10 most amazing animals that you can find in the nature.                                   (Note: I am not comparing or underestimating any animal, this post is just for the love of nature).

NUMBER 1. Dung Beetle

Dung beetles are arthropod, of size about 3 cm. They are member of the beetle family that feed partly or exclusively on dung. So they are just beetle that feed on dung; then what make them so amazing. That thing is power. If I say to think about some powerful animal then you may think about elephant, gorillas, lion, etc. but you are absolutely wrong. Dung beetles can pull a load of 1141 times of its weight. So, if it is of our size then it means two double-decker buses full of people! The other thing that makes them special is that they are currently the only known non-human animal to navigate and orient themselves using the Milky Way.

NUMBER 2. Striped Polecat

Its other name is ‘zorilla’. It belongs to the weasels’ family but resembles a lot to skunk. From the resemblance you can surely get a hint about what amazing ability it has. Yes, it has the smell power. Although this animal looks cute, but believe me you don’t want to take this fellow to your home. It holds the Guinness Book of Records title for the smelliest animal in the world.

NUMBER 3. Immortal Jellyfish

Turritopsis dohrnii aka immortal jellyfish is a species of jellyfish, which is biologically immortal. They are found in the Mediterranean Sea and in the waters of Japan. This is true that they are immortal but only biologically (they can’t kill themselves, in a way). Most of the jellyfish have fixed lifespan but this jellyfish is special. When these jellyfish achieve their maturity, they are able to go back to their polyp state (in simple, to their birth stage). This process has no end so to their life. Whenever they mature, they transform to polyp. This makes them biologically immortal. But they can be killed by external forces.

NUMBER 4. Dwarf lantern shark

Imagine a shark that is just the size of your palm. That’s dwarf lantern shark. It is the smallest known species of shark. It can reach a maximum length of only 21.2 cm. It is closely related to dogfish shark. So what amazing in this creature, it is just a miniature shark but it has a special ability. It glows in the dark. Yes, this creature lives in the depth of sea where a little sunlight comes. To overcome this problem this shark developed an amazing ability to glow. What else you want in a shark a small size and glowing ability!!

NUMBER 5. Box Jellyfish

What if I say you to think about most poisonous creature on the Earth? You would probably think of any snake or amphibian. To an extent, you are right but not completely right. Box jellyfish is considered to be the most poisonous creature living on the Earth. Its poison is so dangerous that it can kill 60 adult human or two Australian elephants. So next time when you see a spongy, cute and playful jellyfish in the sea first confirm it may be the box jellyfish.

NUMBER 6. Sloth

Of course, you have heard of sloth. Those lazy creatures of the jungle who only come down from trees to shit (I mean excrete). But they are much more. Their life style have helped them quite a lot, they are on Earth for over 60 million years. They are lazy but not defenceless. They have large nails or claws that they use when attacked. They are also a master of disguise in their way. They have a natural camouflage that help them to resemble like they are a part of the tree (just like those camouflage used by army men). They are slow but have effective tools and ideas.
In this picture you can see the camouflage, that is actually green algae.

NUMBER 7. Blob Fish

When talking about amazing animals how anybody can’t mention the blob fish. The fleshy blob fish lives in the depths of about 1200 meters in the oceans. They mainly found in the regions near Australia and Tasmania. Blob fish has an alien look. When it is considered to be one of the ugliest animals on the planet, it got its real fame. But they look that ugly inside the water (see the picture). They lack muscles because of which they have a density slightly less than water. So they float just above the sea bed. They have incredible capability to sustain pressure.

NUMBER 8. Frilled Shark

I would say that this creature have attracted people to believe that prehistoric creatures still exist. Discovered in 2007, frilled shark is among the prehistoric creatures that still exist. When one sees this fellow, he will think of some evolutionary stage of shark. They are also correct because frilled shark has the primitive features of a shark. They can be found as deep as 5,150 ft below the sea level. Sadly, this creature is near threatened. We should help wildlife experts and environmentalists to protect these creatures. They are gems of our mother nature.

NUMBER 9. Ghost Shrimp and Sea Salp

I was unable to select only one of these for this. Think about an organism through which you can see everything. These organisms are those organisms. They have nothing to hide, seriously nothing to hide. Let’s talk about them separately.

Ghost shrimp is a popular pet. They are translucent crustacean. They are scavengers. Ghost shrimp are good as a pet because amaze the people who see them as they are seeing at just internal organs (that’s over exaggerating, you can see a jelly like thing)

Sea salp is a jelly like transparent fish. They move by pumping water. Its jet propulsion is most efficient in the animal kingdom. They feed on phytoplankton.

NUMBER 10. Peregrine Falcon

How can a list of amazing animals can end without mentioning the fastest animal in the world. Peregrine Falcon can reach a speed 322 km/h (200 mph). The highest measured speed of peregrine falcon is 389 km/h (242 mph). They are found everywhere except the extreme polar regions. They are the most widely found bird species. For animals, peregrine falcon is a devil coming from sky.

My favourite animal is crocodile, what’s your? Tell me about that in the comment section. Thanks for viewing.

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