Wednesday 11 May 2016

Top 10 Interesting Facts about Human Body.

We all know what human body is, isn’t it? Absolutely NO. There are not only hands, legs and face in our body. There is much more and most of it, we ignore. There are so much things going inside and outside of our body. Many of these actions just amaze us a lot. Here are 10 best and interesting facts about human body.

NUMBER 1. The average lifespan of a human hair is 3 to 7 years.

This is true. If you thought that they are bunch of dead cell that always remain on your head on your head, then you are wrong. A human hair goes through three stages – anagen phase, catagen phase, telogen phase. Just like the stages in human life.
NUMBER 2. Stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.
Yes, we carry some dangerous acid in our body. Pretty cool, isn’t it? The main components of the stomach acid or gastric acid are hydrochloric acid (HCl), potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium chloride (NaCl). These acids are so powerful that if you try to drink these then it will destroy your cells all the way. But thanks to evolution, they stay in our stomach without damaging us. The only reason the acid in your stomach doesn't eat right through your body is because the stomach cells are renewed faster than they are destroyed.

NUMBER 3. Your blood vessels can stretch around the world nearly two and a half times.


Blood vessels are longer than you imagined, huh? If you laid all of your blood vessels end to end then they would stretch 60,000 miles, or around the world nearly two and a half times.

Still can’t believe, okay let’s check this with maths-

Earth’s circumference near equator is about 24,901 miles. Now multiply it with 2.5, we get 62,252.5 miles. That is nearly the length of blood vessels.

NUMBER 4. We all have tiny mites living in our eyelashes.


Ever listen about bed bugs or bed mites. How horribly creepy and irresistible they are. Think of its miniature version but time they are not on your bed or mat, but on your eyelashes. Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis, both frequently referred to as eyelash mites. Every human have mites, although newborns are born mite free but as they grow up mites start to settle on them. Mostly these mites are don’t spread diseases but sometimes they do make infect you with dangerous diseases.

Number 5. We are fungus and bacteria in reality.


It sound rubbish but this is the fact. Around 90% of cells that make humans aren’t human in origin. We are mostly fungus and bacteria. So if a man has 10 cells then 9 of them will be fungus and bacteria and only 1 cell will be the actual human cell. So before criticizing bacteria and fungus from now, remember you are also one of them.

NUMBER 6. Your heartbeat changes and mimics the music you listen to.


Ya, yours heart is also a kind of music lover. At first, music doesn’t exactly synchronize with the beats and tempo of the music you listen to. But it is found that as the tempo increases heart rate also increases and as tempo decreases heart rate also decreases. In some people it is found that heart rates are influenced by the beats of the music. This is also good because in a study it is found that listening to songs can increase your lifespan.

NUMBER 7. Eyebrows are an essential part o human body.


I can challenge that most of you guys have never given a shit about your eyebrows. But they are very important. Eyebrows help to keep sweat, rain and moisture away from the eyeballs so your vision stays clear. Secondly, they are very essential for nonverbal communication. Scientists who study facial expressions say eyebrows are a key to expressing happiness, surprise, and anger. You can relate this one from your daily life or from any movie.



NUMBER 8. If your saliva cannot dissolve or mix with food, you will not able to taste that food.


If you thought that saliva is very disgusting, rubbish, dirty and embarrassing, then try to taste food after drying off your tongue.  The food will feel like rubber. Why you need saliva to taste foods. In order for food to have taste, chemicals from the food must first dissolve in saliva. Once dissolved, the chemicals can be detected by receptors on taste buds. Use a clean paper towel to dry off your tongue.

NUMBER 9. Newborn babies can only see black and white.


Each and every newborn baby is color blind, there is no exception. The color vision in the newborn babies begins to develop within a week after their birth and by 6 months your baby can see every color you can.

NUMBER 10. The only part in of your body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye.


Cornea is the only known part of the human body that doesn’t have a blood supply for oxygen and nutrition transportation. Because transparency is of prime importance the cornea does not have blood vessels; it receives nutrients via diffusion with the help of tear fluid. It gets its oxygen supply directly from the atmosphere.

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