Wednesday 25 May 2016

Top 10 countries with the fastest internet.

Internet is something that we all love. But when the speed is slow, it really sucks. But there are some countries that don't suffer from such kind of problem. Here are the list of countries that have the fastest Internet speed in the world (latest 2016). So basically they are not countries they are heaven.

NUMBER 10. Denmark

With an average of 16.1 Mb/s, Denmark surely may a way to this list. Denmark started increasing their Internet speeds in 2002 and till now has made a lot progress.

NUMBER 9. Finland

Finland has an average of 16.6 Mb/s. Finland is always trying to make consistent development in their Internet range and speed. And they are doing their work quite well.

NUMBER 8. Latvia

Average speed 16.7 Mb/s, slightly more than Finland. Latvia is a silent killer. Without being involved in the competition, they won the competition. So Latvia’s progress should be used as a motivation for us.

NUMBER 7. Switzerland

It has an average speed of 16.75 Mb/s. Switzerland is land of busy people they are in rush and also have to manage the tourism. For this they improved their Internet speed and connectivity, and is also proved really helpful there.

NUMBER 6. Hong Kong

It has an average speed of 16.8 Mb/s. This speed is also very essential to maintain the busy lifestyle and business of Hong Kong. So this speed is a necessity.

NUMBER 5. Netherlands

It has an average speed of 17 Mb/s. Netherlands have the fastest Internet in Europe and also comes in the 5Th place in the world ranking. Also this Internet also done many bad things in the Netherlands like increased the number of child pornography.

NUMBER 4. Japan

Japan has an average speed of 17.4 Mb/s. As we know Japan is land for technological developments, they have also done a great work in Internet development also.

NUMBER 3. Norway

Norway average speed is 18.8 Mb/s. Norway was the first non-English speaking country to establish Internet connectivity. Since 1971 to till now, Norway has done a huge progress in their Internet speed.

NUMBER 2. Sweden

Sweden has an average speed of 19.1 Mb/s. Sweden ranks fourth in the world with respect to Internet connectivity. 94% of the people in Sweden use Internet. No wonder why the demand for fast Internet is so high in Sweden.

NUMBER 1. South Korea

South is the world leader in Internet connectivity and have the fastest average Internet connection speed. It has an average speed of 26.7 Mb/s! It has very basic reason for this speed and that is gaming. Yes, gaming. So South Korea is the heaven for the gamers. Load of downloading; and no interruption in multi-player.

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