Monday 6 June 2016

Top 10 ways to lose weight.

Losing weight is a tough job. Losing weight is not simply cutting your meal to half, it is much more. You should have determination and motivation to do so. You don’t have to break. Here are 10 simple and effective ways that will help you to lose weight.

NUMBER 1. Stay hydrated

It is found that in the pursuit of losing weight people usually reduce their water intake as they reduce food intake. I don’t know where you heard this myth but this is complete fake. No matter what you are doing, weight loss or gain, water has to do nothing in that. For a good health you should drink 8 glasses of water. Water is an essential part of your healthy life.

Instead of reducing water consumption, reducing calorie intake will surely help. A proper diet, exercise, and bit of motivation will fulfil your requirements.

Also since weight losing diet has less calorie intake, so most of the doctors suggest that you should take plenty of water as it help to give a natural glow to your face and also works as a refreshing agent.

NUMBER 2. Eat a healthy diet and don’t skip meals

Tell me honestly, don’t you skip meals or eat extremely less food to lose weight quickly? Well if you do so, you’re on the wrong track. The phrase, “Eat three dates a day to have a healthy life” is not made out of some sort of joke. You can reduce you calorie intake but don’t skip meals or eat less than three times a day.

Here are the things that you should avoid in your meals—Sugary food, starchy food and salty foods. These types of food have lots of calorie which you will not be able to burn. Avoiding these might look difficult but is not. If you have a cook friend then you should talk to him/her to tell you some delicious food without those or just google it.

Also here are the things that you should add to your meals—eat whole and unprocessed foods, add 20 to 50 grams of protein, 20 to 30 grams of fat and vegetables per day. Also make small plates. This will help you psychologically. If you will have small plates your mind will think that you ate enough. Try it!

NUMBER 3. Do exercise, don’t force.

Exercise the best way to reduce body fat, stress and increase confidence. But is exercising too much help in weight loss? The simple answer to this question is “NO”. When you exercise a lot, you burn a lot of calories and for that you need lots of power. But when you are in your way to lose weight, your body also has less power.

In this condition if you do intense exercise or too much exercise, you muscles will fatigue and your body will need more calories to recover, that you don’t have. This will turn in excessive pain and irritation.

So forcing your body to do more and more exercise to reduce fat is not a right way. Many girls and boys do this kind of thing and later suffer with illness and grown body mass.

The best thing you can do is, talk to a professional and tell them to prepare a chart for you.

According to my research the best time to do exercise during weight loss program is evening with light weight and 8 to 10 push ups.

NUMBER 4. Go by this diet plan.

I searched a lot to find a great diet plan for weight loss program that can be sufficient for both active people and inactive people. I found few plans and then I choose the best one. This meal plan just see the picture below (zoom in to see clearly). This plan contains 1200 calories that is sufficient to carry on your daily work and also your weight loss program.

This plan has lists of food in sequence — breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, evening snack. It also has variety of foods so you will also not get bored following this table.

You can also talk to some professional trainer or consult to any doctor regarding this. I have just given this, I have just given this chart to give convenience to those who don’t have access to the trainers or doctors.

NUMBER 5. Eat veg. more than non-veg.

Leaving favourite things is the most difficult thing in losing weight. One of such favourite thing, for most of the people, is non-veg. Beef, lamb, chicken, pork, etc. all these are very tasty but they are also rich in calories. No matter how much you minimise you non-veg. diet but you will not be able to control yourself. I am not challenging your determination in any sense but in case of most of the people, this is the fact.

You can eat a few non-veg. meals in a month, but not too much. If you think this is hard, you are wrong. Here I give you two great ways to ignore non-veg. and start eating veg. more:-

i) Google delicious and simple vegetarian food recipes and make a new meal every week or every day for refreshment. Veg. foods are also very tasty if cooked well. Or you can also talk to some chief friend to tell you some great recipes that you will like.

ii) Never ever look at or make eye contact with non-veg. food when you are trying to avoid it.

The second one sounds funny but it is not. If you don't believe me try to do the opposite but later don't blame me!

NUMBER 6. Eat slowly.

You will think that this one is fake; I will not blame you, at first I also thought so. But this is completely legit. I did a lot of research to find out the truth, and the answer I got was quite amusing and impressive.

According to a survey, it was found that eating faster can possibly result in weight gain. This happens as follow, eating slowly extent the stomach wall that give a sensation of fullness whereas, eating faster don’t let the extension happen so quickly and you eat more. I have said this in very simple words so that you all get the basics and also I only want to write about the program not the process.

So, one of your weight gain reason or obstruction in your weight loss program could be eating quickly. Eating slowly will do no harm to your body. Eating slowing can possibly help you resist your appetite or hunger. This can also help you in cutting some calories from your diet. This is also ironical that you will gain something by doing nothing. This is the easiest method of cutting some calories from your diet that you can find on the whole internet.

NUMBER 7. Eat fibre-rich foods.

Food! More food, I am on strict weight loss diet! I am not supposed to eat different types of food! This is what going in your head. Isn’t it? But this food will not make you gain weight. This also basically not really helps in weight loss. But it has a major importance in your weight loss program.

Fibre-rich food helps to maintain the weight you have and also provide the required vitamins, minerals and roughage. It also makes you less hungry. It will manage your weight so that you don’t get your removed belly back.

Oats, cereals, beans, etc are some fibre-rich food that you can eat. According to a survey by Journal of Nutrition it was found that eating 8 grams of fibre for every 1000 calories can result in about 4.5 pounds of weight loss in 2 year span. This might not sound so favourable but it is also maintain your weight throughout the year.

So according to my research and suggestions, I must advise you to add fibre rich foods to your diet so as to make it more efficient and somewhat good looking.

NUMBER 8. Eat without distraction.

I bet you are doing this every time you are eating food. Maybe you are even eating right know. Using mobile phone, pc, or watching television while eating can make you eat more.

By several researches, it is found that when people eat while doing what they like, what they enjoy, they generally eat more than they usually eat. In case of many candidates it is found that this habit of eating often cause delay in target weight loss program or disturb the meal table.

If you can’t resist the want for those distraction while eating then I have some life hacks for you. These life hacks may not work for all you guys but this method will surely work for most of you. As I mentioned earlier make small plates and make your plates by your own. When you don’t sit with lots of food you will not eat a lot. Second way is that eat watery food while watching television or mobile, this will help you add less calorie to your diet even after eating quite lot. Try these hacks maybe this will make it easier for you to follow this weight loss method.

NUMBER 9. Sleep well and avoid stress.

When it comes to health, the two things that we usually neglect are sleep and stress. As we grow older our sleep time decrease and our stress level increase drastically. This can not only harm your weight loss program but also your body. Less sleep and high stress have very powerful impact on your appetite and weight.

I know you don’t believe me. How these two small things can harm you some? Maybe you have seen some of your friends who live with less sleep and high stress but are still fit and thin. So here I come up with evidences that will ensure you that it matters. Here your honour, I present the proofs, in brief:-

A lack of sleep may disturb the appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin. Another hormone, called cortisol, becomes elevated when you are stressed.

Having these hormones disrupted can increase your hunger and carvings for unhealthy food, leading to higher calorie intake.

And now coming to those friends they now may not experiencing any problem but if they keep going like this they will surely encounter severe problems or maybe they are still now emotionally broken. Who knows?

NUMBER 10. Add fruits; stick to your plan.

This one is simple and maybe you all know this too. But this also very essential part of weight loss program so must have to add it to this list. So let’s wrap all this up.

Fruits are really healthy. They are essential part of every diet, no matter its weight losing or gaining. But their types differ for different types of diets. For weight losing, most of the professionals suggest to eat the juicy ones more. Since they contain fewer calories and fill your stomach as well.

Stick to your diet. Not only diet to the whole program. Meal plans to your workout to your daily habits. It’s on you to maintain your program. True determination is necessary. Get motivated, encouraged and transform into what you want to become.

A friendly advice to all those who are reading this, losing weight is a tough decision. Some people force themselves to lose more and more. This can cause serious disorder to your body and mind. Please only start losing weight when you have plenty of time and motivation. 

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